Sunday, March 6, 2011

'Saturday Night Live' Recap: Miley Cyrus Does Her Best Justin Bieber

Here's the good news: "Saturday Night Live" functioned exactly as it was supposed to last night. The Charlie Sheen jokes were immediate and plentiful, and guest host Miley Cyrus playfully emasculated her teen heartthrob counterpart, Justin Bieber. But here's the potentially sad news that comes along with it: This made for an inoffensive, uneventful, and very lazy "SNL."

"SNL" opened with Bill Hader busting out his best Charlie Sheen. He hosted a show called "Duh, Winning!" that included impersonations of every other infamous celebrity busted for public drunkenness this week. Of course, this was exactly what you expected "SNL" would do in this situation, and it was profoundly predictable. Fred Armisen's Moammar Gadhafi almost saved the sketch with some actual jokes, but it wasn't enough to stop the mediocre impersonation carousel.


Source :Yahoo TV Blog 


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